Sunday 10 August 2008

Quick update

So i have arrived into Stillman college after 26 hours without sleep. travel went really well apart from a wait of two hours in birmigham for my pick up. that was worrying but god answers prayers so it all got sorted out. Talking about answered prayers, lost my wallet this morning searched the room up and down, no where to be seen. but it eventually turned up in the back of soom dudes car.

So first impressions of college:

When we turned into the college we happened to come accross a car being chased by the cops within campus, then got told that there where seven murders in Tuscaloosa in a weekend not so long ago. fun times.
Got to my room and my roomie who's a good guy was fast asleep and my bed had no sheets no pillows no duvet. so i managed to get a few guys to take me to wall mart and get myself sorted. wal mart is so cheap. got a duvet sheets pillow and some other stuff for like £20.
Im now just back from brunch and so i've managed to see most of the freshmen on the college and iv yet to see a white face. They are all such dude's its awsome but so daunting at the same time.
Found out i might be able to play soccer at the university of alabama which warms my heart.

Il do a full update soon


Anonymous said...

class sounds mental!! You will have to put up some photos soon or even on your facebook as I canget them more easily on my phone!! Mum is freaking out about your murderer story haha!!! The folks send their love!!! Keep blogging!! xx

Anonymous said...

Sounds brill mate - Walmart is nuts - you can even buy guns giotta love America....ha! keep the posts coming and remeber to get yourself a big gulp!!

Anonymous said...

Glad you got over safely bro.
Police chase sounded exciting - were they trying to pit stop it?

Good luck picking your modules - make sure you update this blog regularly!